Hi everyone! My name is Cassidy and I'm starting a personal beer experience blog! This website will consists of the many different breweries that I've visited. I plan to talk about their history, the atmosphere, the employees, how they handle social media accounts, and of course, their beer.
I started this blog for my Social Media and Strategic Communications class. I was given the task to select a topic and create a semester long blog for it. I decided to pick craft breweries. Right now, my blog objective will be to upload weekly posts about my many experiences.
My passion for breweries started this past summer of 2018 when my boyfriend, Christian, introduced me to craft beer. Shortly after this, him and I took a trip to Dogfish Head Brewery (which quickly became one of my favorites)! So, shout out to you Christian.
The main goal that I hope to accomplish throughout this blog is to increase my social media knowledge through practice and experience, increase my time management skills, and learn how to balance multiple social media platforms at once.
Anyways, here is the start of my blog!
I hope that you all enjoy my blog and join me on my Beersperience journey!